Career Resources
CTF Occupational Areas & Possible Occupations
An occupational area is a grouping of courses that focuses on attitudes, skills and knowledge related to specific work areas.
CTF Occupational Area Skills, Knowledge and Technologies Lists
During Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) challenges or tasks, students are required to use skills, knowledge and technologies associated with occupational areas.
CTF Occupational Area Skills, Knowledge and Technologies Lists pdf | Habiletés, connaissances et technologies à explorer dans les domaines professionnels des FCT pdf |
CTF Safety and Environmental Considerations for Occupational Areas
CTF Safety and Environmental Considerations for Occupational Areas pdf | Enjeux en matière de sécurité et de responsabilité environnementale dans les domaines professionnels des FCT pdf |
National Occupational Classification (NOC)
National Occupational Classification | Classification nationale des professions |
The National Occupational Classification (NOC), provides a standardized language for describing the work performed by Canadians in the labour market. It gives statisticians, labour market analysts, career counselors, employers and individual job seekers a consistent way to collect data and describe and understand the nature of work. | La Classification nationale des professions (CNP) est un outil constitue un cadre normalisé qui permet de décrire le travail réalisé par les Canadiens sur le marché du travail. Elle offre aux statisticiens, aux analystes du marché du travail, aux conseillers d’orientation professionnelle, aux employeurs et aux personnes qui cherchent un emploi une méthode uniforme pour recueillir des données et pour décrire et comprendre la nature du travail. |
Career Planning Resources
The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) website is designed to help students:
- explore career choices
- research information about occupations
- find information about education and training programs
- link to post-secondary learning institutions
- find information about student finances and scholarships
Check out the career planning resources below:
Alberta Learning Information Services (ALIS):
- Career Explorers
- Self-assessment Tools
- CAREERinsite – Career Planning for Your Future
- Career Information Hotline
- OCCinfo: Occupations and Educational Programs
- Career and Workplace Resources Catalogue
- Career planning for High School Students
- Career planning for Post-Secondary Students
Career Planning Supports:
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